Come on in, come on in baby!

Welcome to the Advanced Training Life Coach Certification!!

Are you looking to make a lasting, positive impact on the life of others? Do you feel called to become a life coach? Whether you are new to the profession or an experienced professional, this certification is designed to help you hone your coaching skills and deepen your understanding of life coaching.

Our certification program is comprehensive, authentic, and engaging. We cover the fundamentals of the life coaching profession, including important topics such as client management, ethical practice, and developing a coaching business. 

You will gain insight into the inner workings of life coaching and develop the competence and confidence required to become a successful life coach!!

The certification program is led by Master Coach and Trainer, Latoya Okeia. 

Latoya is an experienced professional with many years of experience in the coaching field and has impacted  millions of people worldwide!

 We take a hands-on approach to learning, combining lectures, small-group sessions, and success calls in order to provide an immersive and comprehensive experience. 

Join us today as we help you become certified and confident in your skills as a life coach. Our experienced team of professionals will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to confidently serve your clients and make a lasting difference in their lives. 

Thank you for considering the Advanced Training  life coach certification program and we look forward to working with you!


There is a DEMAND for more coaches in the field! People need transformation! Get training and certification NOW so you can be on your way to using your gifts to impact others!


Message From Latoya Okeia


Hear it from a Certified Life Coach at Latoya Okeia Academy!

Get a loan. Then pay for your course!


Latoya Okeia Academy Student

The Advanced Training has opened my eyes to so many unlimited possibilities and has pushed me in my purpose of what I’m truly passionate about and meant to do. Before I even came across Latoya Okeia, God was putting on my heart what my purpose was. Growing up in the church, God has always been showing me the vision of me being a speaker but just like Latoya, I did not want to accept that calling. That’s why when I finally came across Latoya Okeia's platform and started really watching her, I knew it was nobody but God who placed her videos on my path for a reason. Being a life coach has helped me to step out of my fears and be bold and confident. Before I would have never imagined or saw myself starting a YouTube channel, creating a self-help e-book, and showing up on social media. Let alone starting a business and sitting down doing a business plan. I wasn’t even a social media person before. I am so blessed to have come across Latoya Okeia and I thank God for her!!

Meet Your Instructor

Senior Instructor, Latoya Okeia Academy Latoya Okeia

Life Coach, Speaker, Mom of 3, YouTuber, Author, Business & Spiritual Mentor

Course curriculum

    1. You're not alone! Welcome to the family!!

    2. Download Our App!

    3. Message From The Instructor

    4. Welcome To Training!

    5. Introduction: Who Is Latoya Okeia? My Goals For You!

    6. Life Coach's Ebook for Marketing

    7. Defining Your Vision For Your Coaching Business

    8. Mindset Affirmations for Success

    9. Intro Quiz

    10. Join Our Private Community

    1. How To Get Paying Clients Using Group Challenges

    2. Life Coach Success Call: Class Replay (Audio Only)

    3. Knowing Your Identity & Vision

    4. Benefits of Using the YouTube Studio App

    5. How To Set Goals For Yourself & Your Clients

    6. How To Build Trust With Your Audience

    7. Overcoming Challenges as a Life Coach

    8. Tax Breakdown for Coaches: Tax Strategist Kisha West

    9. Class Replay Links for 2022

    1. Know Your Why!

    2. What Is A Life Coach?

    3. What Is Your Role As A Life Coach?

    4. Who Needs A Life Coach?

    5. Coaching Is NOT For...

    6. Is Life Coaching Regulated?

    7. A Life Coach Is NOT...

    8. Special Breakthrough Prayer


    1. Be Willing To Coach Yourself First

    2. Build A Respectable Brand As A Life Coach

    3. How To Find Your Niche & Tell Your Story

    4. Examples of Coaching Categories

    5. Outline for Session Notes

    6. How To Take Notes During The Session

    7. My Personal Script To Win Clients From The DMs

    8. How To Win Clients In The DMs

    1. Tips To Get You Started In Coaching

    2. How To Respond To Clients via Email

    3. Life Coaching Business Checklist

    4. Frequently Asked Questions from Potential Clients

    1. Branding for Life Coaches

    2. Types of Marketing

    3. Email Marketing

    4. Content Marketing

    5. Examples of Content Marketing

About this course

  • $2,197.00
  • 128 lessons
  • 23 hours of video content

Frequently Asked Questions

About The Life Coach Certification

  • Is the course accredited?

    Life coaching isn't regulated by the government. There is no official regulation for coaching. There is no official governing body for life coaching.

  • Is certification required?

    Certification is recommended not required. You can still become a life coach without training or a certification.

  • Will I be certified upon completion of the course?

    Yes. When course completion reaches 100%, you will receive a certificate within the academy.

  • Can I use my certification outside of the US?

    Yes. You can coach anywhere in the world and use your certification.

  • How long does it take to complete the course?

    The course content is self-paced. Students have access to all course materials upon purchasing the certification. Completion can be anywhere from 1 week to 12 months. It depends on the student's work ethic and determination to finish.

  • Does my certification require renewal?

    No. Renewal is not required for certification.

  • Do I receive 1 on 1 sessions with Latoya Okeia?

    1 on 1 sessions are no longer offered with the certification. Students will have the option to meet with Latoya Okeia via Zoom for monthly meet-ups.